What if there was a secret to tap into your inner creativity and boost your mood? Stimulating the flow of alpha brain waves could be the answer.
Why do we want to increase alpha brain waves? Alpha brain waves produce the feeling of relaxation as a state of mind. Unwanted thoughts are not present. It is said that those in a wakeful alpha brain wave state have heightened states of intuition and inner connection to the truth within oneself, as is also called conscience.
The beta brain waves, while necessary for complex problem solving and reacting to emergency situations, oftentimes dominate. Beta brain waves are stimulated by noises, hearing bad news on television, listening to arguments and conflict in the media, and even our reaction to overbooked schedules. Though there is not current danger, we perceive it as such.
This can produce a feeling of stress, overwhelm, anxiousness, and even lead to feelings of paranoia and depression. Random thoughts of conflict exist that are not relevant to you. Much is self-generated as agreement that life is “stressful” or “too busy”. This can create a burn out feeling. To get all riled up from outside stimulation that you have no control over has no use in finding a peaceful, restful, creative place in you.
A good balance is ideal, even in a busy work place as creative solutions and staying calm are often necessary. With the presence of more alpha brain waves we are able to see more clearly and be in a creative thinking condition.
So, how can you boost your relaxing alpha brain waves? Aerobic exercise, meditation, yoga, and creative arts like painting have all been shown to increase alpha brain waves. Personally, I love going for long walks in nature.
The amino acid theanine is also shown to produce an increase in alpha waves in the brain. In human studies, 40 minutes after taking theanine (50-200 mg), relaxing alpha waves were generated in various brain regions, an effect that may last up to 12 hours.
We include a highly purified l-theanine in the Wellness Resources Sleep Helper and well+vita calm supplements. I have found that by taking Sleep Helper or Calm in combination with meditation and aerobic exercise that I am able to see more clearly and make better choices for myself.
In this feeling of calm, I find myself in a more creative state, where I thrive and am the happiest. I wanted to share this with you as it’s an important part of my personal health program. Perhaps you will find it helpful for you, too!