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Ask Mary Elle: What do you recommend to help me stay calm during high stress times?

Q: What do you recommend to help me stay calm during high stress times?

A: To respond to stress calmly is a life skill we can develop. Adrenaline and cortisol are produced at a time we see or feel danger or a threat to our survival. It gives us the energy needed for fight or flight.

The problem is when we respond to non-threatening situations this way. What happens is an excess of the hormones adrenaline and cortisol present in our body cause a state of agitation, irritability, anxiousness, and other serious health concerns can develop such as high blood pressure.

So how do we stay calm and focused in a stressful yet non-threatening situation?

We can breathe deeply, take long walks, enjoy nature, and get our body into a naturally occurring alpha brain wave state in our day to day lives.

Wellness Resources specialty products like RelaxaMag provides the exact kind of magnesium for healthy nerves.

PhosphatidylSerine helps reduce excess cortisol in the body.

In Wellness Resources’ new Well+Vita line, we formulated the Calm product to relax the nerves and get your body into the highly desirable alpha brain wave state during the day.

In this state we are able to stay calm and focused during times of regularly occurring day to day stressors.

For instance, when something doesn’t go as we’d like it, instead of our body responding with a release of more cortisol, we are able to take care of what is needed to resolve a situation and bring about the best outcome.

We handle “stressful” situations that are not life threatening most rationally in the alpha brain wave state.

The Well+Vita Calm formulation helps keep you calm the natural effective way.

Be Well,

Mary Elle


Ask Mary Elle: What do you recommend to help me stay calm during high stress times?

Q: What do you recommend to help me stay calm during high stress times?

A: To respond to stress calmly is a life skill we can develop. Adrenaline and cortisol are produced at a time we see or feel danger or a threat to our survival. It gives us the energy needed for fight or flight.

The problem is when we respond to non-threatening situations this way. What happens is an excess of the hormones adrenaline and cortisol present in our body cause a state of agitation, irritability, anxiousness, and other serious health concerns can develop such as high blood pressure.

So how do we stay calm and focused in a stressful yet non-threatening situation?

We can breathe deeply, take long walks, enjoy nature, and get our body into a naturally occurring alpha brain wave state in our day to day lives.

Wellness Resources specialty products like RelaxaMag provides the exact kind of magnesium for healthy nerves.

PhosphatidylSerine helps reduce excess cortisol in the body.

In Wellness Resources’ new Well+Vita line, we formulated the Calm product to relax the nerves and get your body into the highly desirable alpha brain wave state during the day.

In this state we are able to stay calm and focused during times of regularly occurring day to day stressors.

For instance, when something doesn’t go as we’d like it, instead of our body responding with a release of more cortisol, we are able to take care of what is needed to resolve a situation and bring about the best outcome.

We handle “stressful” situations that are not life threatening most rationally in the alpha brain wave state.

The Well+Vita Calm formulation helps keep you calm the natural effective way.

Be Well,

Mary Elle


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